
Which journals on this site would you like to register with?
  • Benih : Journal of Midwifery
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  • Healing : Jurnal Pariwisata
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  • Edumaniora : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Humaniora
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  • Alhamdulillah : Jurnal Agama Islam
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  • Journal Boas : Business, Economics, Accounting And Management
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  • Hikmat : Jurnal Agama Kristen
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  • Jurnal Teknologi dan Ilmu Pertanian
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  • Patua : Journal of Business Administration and Management
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  • Sinonim : Journal of Language and Literature
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  • Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
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  • Journal of Electrical Engineering
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  • Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan
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